How to Make Small Model Trees

by Stanley

When it comes to making model trees, a certain amount of time is consumed in the process. While some can take between 5 to 10 minutes to complete, offers may require 4 to 5 hours. At the end of the day, knowing how to make tree models for architecture is essential. Why? Because every layout needs about 50 to 100 of it to attain a populated look.

This article shows the standard method of making small model trees for any layout of your choice!

How to Make Small Model Trees

Step 1: Making the Foliage

When making the foliage, you need to get a material that you can easily turn into a crown-like form. This crown will help you hold the tree in shape since it may not have branches. One material that can fit this purpose is a bathroom or kitchen sponge preferably a deep green one.

Using scissors or any other sharp object, cut and carve the sponge into your preferred tree shape. If you’re confused about what to do, look at the natural trees in your surroundings; then pick an inspiration.

Note, you may not get the cut perfectly right if you’re trying for the first time. But with continuous efforts, it gets better. For a smoother appearance, use a tweezer and take out the small pieces that are straying.

Step 2: Making the Trunk

Creating the trunk is quite easy. All you need to do is find slightly tapered twigs with collars. This will be used to create the impression of broken shoots of the tree. Remember to cut the twig just beneath the collar, and glue it to the tree that you’ve created. This should wear a similar look with natural trees like Birch, sycamore, oak, hornbeam, etc.

If you have intentions of showing the main trunk in the tree you’re making, then this technique is great!. But If it’s a low-branch tree with a much visible appearance, twigs with offshoots would be the best option.

Step 3: Finishing

Finish off your model tree by dabbing deeper shades of an acrylic green color or pain in secluded areas of the sponge. To create an illusion of visible leaves, apply hair spray on the sponge and then spread a small quantity of fine green on them.

Step 4: Plant It

The planting is the last part of the making of model trees. You can choose to create small holes In the trunk. Take a PVA glue for wood, and drop them on the base, push the trunk in. To avoid it getting spoilt, support it for a while until the PVA glue finally sets.


This guide takes you through the simple, quick steps to making model trees. With the information contained above, making small model trees will become an easy hurdle to cross. For a first-timer, it may take you a lot of time to get the tree right. But then, you need to keep practicing until you can whip one in a couple of seconds!

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